Monday, December 30, 2013

The Mystery of Relationships !

The Mystery of Relationships !

I am going to share with you one of the most or perhaps the only mysterious thing that we all Humans are engaged in . It's called relationship ! We are all having or in some form of relationship with others around us . From birth till the very last breath of our life's , we are constantly relating to others . This phenomena is at the very core of our nature . Humans are social beings and they are born to live together for all their basic needs . 
Relationships bring out the best in us and the worst in us too !
Relationships make us and break us always.
We can like or even love the same person and yet we can also dislike or even hate the same person !!
Now , that is the strangest wonder and mystery that has always fascinated me since my childhood .
How can that be and why does that happen ?
A mother loves her child and yet will also hurt or abuse the same child !
I have been studying relationships all my life and then I went on to become a Medical doctor with psychological interest . 
I always see my patients or clients coming to me to tell me that they are in love ( whatever that is ! )
They tell all the exciting times they are having . How they feel they cannot live without each other !
They simply want to be together . Then , sometimes against all oppositions , they get married .
The honeymoon is hardly over and some very strange thing happens . That much talked of love has just vanished !
I am not talking something that is not known to every person that is reading my writing .
We have all experienced some form of these behave .
I remember sitting in a class discussing about the many relationship issues with my other psychotherapist .  I just spoke out , that a handful of people in our lives have such a strong hold on our lives !
In a world of about 7 billion people , these few relationships can be sooo challenging !
Can you feel my frustration ?
I really want to be there for all people , but in spite of all my wisdom and knowledge I am helpless !
I have seen my very own near and dear ones in the same miserable situation and I can do nothing !
When I share my feelings with people from my culture , they have a word that gets me very upset , to say the least . It's their Karmas ! What the F@#$ !! ( So sorry for my strong expression ) 
I have all respect for traditions and all that , but I get very uncomfortable when I cannot understand  or comprehend something that is given to me to dis empower me or others !
Destiny or faith is okay . Just don't make me feel helpless or worst , fatalistic !
Relationships are so complicated and complex !
We have Toxic relationships that are so bizarre that I wonder how can we intelligent beings do that to ourselves !
So , you can see how strange and mysterious is  the thing called relationship !
Welcome and join me in just having a free expression on these mystery .
Till we meet again , thank you for being so patient .
Dr Dhali/Amar.

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